Reports - Logs
Logs > Radius Log
The radius log report will display the Kiwire built in radius service log. Note: Display only available for super admin account.
The listed fields and its meaning are:
Logs > Kiwire Syslog
The Kiwire Syslog module will display all the Kiwire platform Syslog for the operating system it resides.
Note: Display only available for super admin account.The listed fields and its meaning are:
Logs > Captive Portal Syslog
The Captive Portal Syslog module will provide the report of the user interaction within the captive portal. This report will provide insight into user behaviour. Note: Display only available for super admin account.
The listed fields and its meaning are:
Logs > High Availability Syslog
The Kiwire High Availability Syslog report will display high availability & replication status.
Note: Display only available for super admin account.The listed fields and its meaning are:
Logs > SMS Trx Log
The SMS transaction log report will report all SMS activity with the platform.
Note: Display only available for super admin account.The listed fields and its meaning are:
Logs > Email Trx Log
The Email Transaction Log module will report all email send activity within Kiwire platform.
Note: Display only available for super admin account.The listed fields and its meaning are: