Reports - Insight Reports
Insight -> Device Info
The device information report will provide insight into your network, on what type of device and brand the user is using to connect to the network. Use the date selector to select the date range you wish to see the report.

The listed fields and its meaning are:

Insight -> Visitor Registration Data
The Visitor Registration Data report module will display all the information recorded by the user during guest self-sign up as well as additional data-field that you may have setup at the data field module. Use the date selector to select the date range you wish to see the report.

Insight > User Access URL
The User Access URL module will shows the history of user access URL. This provide insight with the user browsing history and behaviour. Click on the “Delete all Record” button to purge the data.
The listed fields and its meaning are:

Insight > Social Network Analytics
The Social Network Analytics will provide an overview and insight of the social network growth and activity of your network. Use search box to select the date range. Social Network : The name of the social network.
Total : The number of activity of your network.
The report will show the statistic of social network used by your network users , gender and type.
Insight > Users Social Network Info
The User Social Network Info module provide you information of users who use social network to login to your network, including demo/biography information of the users that sign up.
The listed fields and its meaning are:

Insight > Net Promoter Score
The Net Promoter Score module provide you the information on net promoter scoring. Use the Date Search box to select the date range you wish to see the report.

Total Negative Feedback : The total number of the negative feedback.
Total Positive Feedback : The total number of the negative feedback.

Insight > Inactive Users
The Inactive Users module provide you the information of inactive users within a period of time. Use the Date Search box to get all previous Inactive users from that specific date.

Insight > Online Reputation Review
The Online Reputation Review module provide you the information of online reputation in terms of user reviews. It will show all the user reviews from selected Facebook page. To integrate Facebook Page you’re admin of go to Integrations > Facebook Reviews.
