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Reports - Bandwidth Reports

Bandwidth -> Bandwidth Usage Overall

The Bandwidth Usage Overall module will report the total bandwidth usage used by your users within the network. Use Search box date from and date to, to select the report period and select which zone you wish to view, by zone or by project.Note: The metric for bandwidth usage will be in GB Bandwidth -> Bandwidth Usage Peruser

The Bandwidth Usage Peruser module will show the bandwidth utilization information send by NAS to Kiwire™ via radius accounting protocol. It will let you view the specific user bandwidth utilization. The table will show the average Upload and Download Speed in MBit as well. Use Date Search box date from and date to and select the username. Note: A 50MB speed cap will show max average speed at 5Mbit/s average. Using 95% projectile calculations.

Bandwidth -> Historic Top Users

The Historic Top Users module will show the top user who utilize the most bandwidth in the network. This report show the Top Bandwidth User . Use the date range if you want to sample specific dates for the report. Use Search box date from and date to, to select the report period and select zone if you wish to view by zone or by project. Select the type whether Download/Upload. The listed fields and its meaning are:

Bandwidth -> Current Top User

The current top user module will show the top user who utilize the most bandwidth in the network now. Select the zone if you wish to view by zone or by project.

The listed fields and its meaning are:

Bandwidth VS Users

The Bandwidth vs Users module will show network bandwidth utilization with the number of users connected during the same time. It will let you understand the utilization of network bandwidth correlated with number of users connected.


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