Kiwire 2.0 build 1 [2017-02-27]
Finance: date display format is not correct.
Radius: sql core error on certain profile.
Integration -> LBS : test function.
Device -> monitoring MAP : missing google map API key.
Device -> Zone : update and delete button unresponsive.
Device -> Zone : fix change tenant.
Login Engine -> Journey : screen adaptation on smaller screen size.
Login Engine -> Journey : post login unable to change default destination.
Login Engine -> Media : fail of upload media via drag and drop.
Campaign -> Ads : upload video.
Account -> Profile : not properly seelct.
User : campaign continue button not responsive on certain device.
LBS : test function not responsive.
Report : graph charset for language.
Report : missing username text on username search option.
Report : Graph on safari browser not rendered.
Report : timezone.
DHCP : spelling mistake for DHCP.
License engine that display error on rare occurrence.
Account -> Profile : wrong display for “Pay As You Use” profile.
Installer : corrected path to local path.
Login -> Video at prelogin.
Multi tenant -> role created wrongly when add new tenant.
Account -> Profile : added WISPR specification for QOS services . support minimum upload and download bandwidth for supported access controller.
Device -> NAS : support Xirrus access controller and Wi-Fi access point captive portal.
Account -> Auto reset : added 30 minutes and hourly options.
Integration -> Social network : VK+ and Microsoft Live.
OTP : Based on password security level , if set high OTP password will be alphanumeric if low it be numeric only.
Configuration : Auto update function, Kiwire™ will now support auto update to latest edition.
Campaign -> Ads : only allow media mp4,jpg & ogg for file uploaded.
Control panel for users accessible by /cpanel.
New API engine for 3rd party integration.
Policy : Cookies Auto-login , auto login user using cookies during login process , return user will not required to key in login.
Credential for prevention of captive portal fatique.
Report-> Campaign -> Survey.
New Changelog format for change log.
Updated graph engine with more dynamic colour and focus on graph while print friendly.
Social network login : new login flow screen design to be more lively and graphical.
Login Engine-> Page Maker : change survey option selection to dropdown list for easy to manage.
Mobile & browser brand & type detection engine signature updated.
Software update module : support auto update function.
Licensing: update license engine only master account require license.
Rename: Omaya module to LBS.
Account -> Auto reset : added hourly and 30 minutes option to system.
Login engine -> Page maker : update preview custom page.
Remove example text “synchrowebtech” in integration->social network to be generic example.