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Device & Controller Setup Guide - Xirrus Device Configuration for Kiwire

A. Xirrus Configuration

Step 1 – Connect to your Xirrus device portal and navigate to the security heading.

Step 2 – On the External RADIUS subheading fill out the fields using the following information.

Step 3 – Modify RADIUS Dynamic Authentication Settings as below:

  • Timeout (Seconds): 600

  • DAS Port: 3799

  • Toggle DAS Event-Timestamp to select “Required”

  • DAS Time Window: 300

  • NAS Identifier: Key in the Radios MAC Address, without the colon spacing/symbols (i.e 506028410B20)

Step 4 – Modify RADIUS Attribute Formatting as below:

  • Toggle Called-Station-Id Attribute Format to select Ethernet-MAC

  • Toggle Station MAC Format to select lc-hyphenated

  • Toggle Accounting to select On

And then save your changes. Navigate to the SSIDs heading and then to the SSID Management sub heading. Create a new SSID or use an existing one and tick the WPR setting. This will open the Web Page Redirect Configuration settings.

Step 5 – Configure the new SSID using the following settings:

  • Server: External Login

  • Redirect URL: http://ip.address/user/index.php

  • Redirect Secret: (Gigabit 1 MAC Address; with hyphenated) eg# 50-60-28-04-3b-3a

Step 6 – add the Walled Garden URLs to the whitelist by entering them into the box shown at the bottom left of the screenshot, and clicking create. WPR Whitelist Configuration:

Step 7 – Finally, save your changes and reboot your Xirrus. The reboot is required, as with firmware versions 7.6.2, 8.1.2, 8.1.3, any changes made to the External Radius or SSID options will set the Called Station ID to the wrong format prior to a reboot. And that should be it. Confirm you can login and view the Kiwire pages.

B. Kiwire Configuration

Step 1 – Open your web browser and type in http://kiwire-ip/admin to access your Kiwire admin panel.

Step 2 – Go to Device-NAS and click add NAS to add your Mikrotik.

  • Set Device type to Xirrus

  • Set NAS ID to your Xirrus NAS Identifier

  • Set IP address to your Xirrus IP address

  • Set Shared Secret Key to your Xirrus Primary Server Secret Key

  • Set COA Port to the Xirrus DAS port: 3799

  • NAS username and password is your Xirrus username and password

  • Address is your Xirrus location

  • Insert into Description for remarks of your Xirrus (if any)

Step 3 – Go to Device > Zone to assign which zone we want to assign Kiwire page. We can assign zone based on NAS ID, VLAN, IP address, or SSID. Create a new zone by clicking Create Zone. Put a name to it, Link To User and Limit Connected User can be empty. Then enable the Status.

Step 4 – Edit the zone by clicking Add.

Step 5 – Finally, you have completed the configuration of both Kiwire and Xirrus. Next is you need to design a landing page, create user profile and create user and assign the landing page to the zone desired. You may refer to main sections of the Kiwire 2.0 Directory for setting up landing page, user profile, users, and other details of Kiwire.


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