Device & Controller Setup Guide Device Configuration – Huawei AP5030DN (FAT Mode)
1. Navigate to Wizard. 2. Click “Create” to create SSID.
3. Enter SSID eg: HUAWEI-8300 4. Security setting: Portal 5. Portal server : External Portal Server
External Portal Setting
6. Enter Server template name (any name for own reference) 7. Enter Server IP address : Kiwire IP 8. Port number : 50100 9. Enter Server URL : https://(Kiwire IP)/user/nas/huawei/
External Radius Configuration
10. Enter Server template name (any name for own reference) 11. Authentication server IP : Kiwire IP 12. Port number 1812 13. Shared key : (Password) * must same as at Kiwire
14. Navigate -> Configuration -> Security -> AAA -> External Portal Server 15. Under Portal Authentication Server List, click on created server name.
16. Click URL Option Setting to show option 17. Check box and key in details as follows :
User access URL: user-url
User IP : user-ip
SSID : huawei-ssid
System name : huawei-sysname
AP-MAC: Huawei-mac
18. Navigate -> Configuration -> Security -> AAA -> RADIUS 19. Select RADIUS Server Profile 20. Check Authentication box : port number 1812 21. Check Accounting box : port number 1813