Cloud - User
The cloud user module will list and let you manage all the users and its associated cloud tenant ID within the system. To access the user module click on Cloud > User from the navigation. On the user listing module, you may search for specific user by using the search field.
* NOTE : To add users into the system please use the Add User function in Account > User module.
The listed fields and its meaning are:

View User
Click on view icon to view the user details. There are three tabs such as overview, transaction log and edit account.
Overview tab is to view the user account details, profile, current usage, subscription and integration.
User Account Details
The listed fields and its meaning are:

The listed fields and its meaning are:

Current Usage
The listed fields and its meaning are:

The listed fields and its meaning are:

The listed fields and its meaning are:

Transaction Log
Transaction log tab is to view the user details and activities.
The listed fields and its meaning are:

Disconnect Reason List
The listed fields and its meaning are:

Edit Account
Edit account tab is to edit the user account. User can edit and update their account.
The listed fields and its meaning are:

The listed fields and its meaning are:

Delete User
Click on the delete icon to delete the user. A prompt will be display to ask for your confirmation to proceed to delete the cloud id. Please exercise with cautions as this not a reversible action.