Change Log - Kiwire 2.0 build 2 [2017-03-15]
Dashboard : timezone of date displayed.
Integration -> Radius : wrong text for validity.
Integration -> SMS: Twillio error handling.
Device -> monitoring: bypass check for device if IP address is missing.
Device -> Monitoring: zone listing lessen rules.
Device -> monitoring -> Agent Ruijie Wi-Fi monitoring.
Login Engine->T&C: fix always on function.
Login Engine->Page maker -> coupon: path error for image display.
Login Engine->Page Maker: load external image from remote site fixed.
Login Engine->Page Maker: scan local filename instead global for saving.
Login Engine->Guest Login: fix path for login.
Report -> Survey report: data display.
Report engine: Kiwire™ syslog.
Report -> Campaign: click thru was wrongly worded.
Report -> Login concurrency partition reporting.
Report -> Device availability.
Report -> Graph date accuracy.
Tools -> Database MRO : fixed download backup.
Tools -> service healthcheck for SMS & Email services.
Login -> redirection using for duplicate username.
Login -> Check for MSAD/LDAP during inactive user check function.
More debug log option for user captive portal flow.
Account -> User: list suspended account as well.
Seamless roaming for Ruijie wifidog Wi-Fi access point.
High availability : bi direct synchronization between 2 Kiwire™.
Integration -> Microsoft/Office 365 : authentication of user with Microsoft live/Azure/Office 365 services with restriction on allowed domain.
Integration -> Microsoft Active directory , added support for Active directory user groups to local Kiwire™ profile mapping functionality.
Device -> NAS : FortiAP (Fortigate Wireless) & Controller as NAS.
Account -> Profile : check min speed cannot be higher than max speed restriction.
Logs : added detail log for zone detection engine to kiwire_userlog.log
Logs : updated email services for error tracking
Alarm notification on Primary page
Mac security : support upper or lower case mac address format.
integration -> social network : Added default drop down box in event of no profile available.
Device ->NAS Ruijie wifi : support Free profile.
Login engine -> Media add support display mp4, pdf, png, jpg, gif and ogg.
Login engine->Survet : ability to use ip or domain if host does not have valid FQDN.
Login Engine->Page maker : renamed snippet from snippet 1.. to the function of the snippet when mouse over.
Campaign -> ADS , support full screen image display for Image media ads on mobile device.
Report -> Who is online , disconnect function for Ruijie Wi-Fi.
Report -> Bandwidth reporting , extend from GB to MB.
Report -> survey : display no data if there is no data available.
Detect signup if user use blank username and prompt error.
Radius : Fallback , in event of Authorization request packet does not contain NAS-ID, system will use called-station-id as NAS-ID.
Social Network : WeChat , for ruijie wifi , user will use default assign profile and granted 5 minutes to complete authentication with WeChat server. For non Ruijie Wi-Fi, user will be granted 5 minutes with temporary profile which have restriction and upon validation change to assigned profile on the fly.
Command line apps are set to use UTC timezone.
Bypass survey if already answer before.
PDO -> MYSQL : added Ping functionality.
Agent : ruijie wifi added health capture from Wi-Fi ping.
[Depreciated] None