Campaign - Campaign Management
Campaign is call to action function of our network or Wi-Fi marketing platform. At the heart of Campaign module is Campaign Management, which is the module that lets you control and manage all the campaign for your network. Create campaigns such as a welcome coupon offer for first time users logging into the network. Send SMS to users who have not connected to the network for 40 days to reach them. The campaign module lets you manage the ordering of campaigns being run when user actions are triggered, it also supports random ordering if you did not put any ordering ID associated with the campaign.
The Campaign module comes with approval process flow that requires an authorized administrator or operator to approve the campaign before the campaign is enabled. To access the campaign management module click on Campaigns > Campaign Management from the navigation. On the campaign listing module, you may search for specific campaign by using the search field. The field and its function description is listed below.

Create Campaign
To create a new campaign, click on the “Create Campaign” button and populate the required fields. Fill in the field to complete the process.
* NOTE : Newly created campaign may require approval to enable the campaign to go live , refer to campaign approval for more detail.
The field and its function description is listed below.

Campaign Approval
If the cloud ID or system has more than one administrator, all newly created campaign will require approval before the campaign is set to enabled. Administrator can add sub administrator or operator with verify/approval status from the role management.
* NOTE : In multi-tenant / cloud edition of Kiwire™, superadmin can approve other cloud tenant campaign, but superuser cannot create and approved its own campaign. The design is that the superuser is an approval person not campaign creator. To approve a campaign.
Operator added or edited a campaign.
campaign added with at the ads listing an approval icon will appear.
Administrator with approval right will need to click on the approval icon to approve the campaign. To add administrator with approval create administrator with “verify” in the roles via Configuration > Role.
Upon approval, the status will changed to Enabled.
To change status of campaign to disable. To set a status of a running campaign to disable click on the “unverify” button to disable the running campaign.
Edit/Delete Campaign
Click the edit icon on the listing screen to edit the campaign. The edit screen be display which you can edit the setting of the campaign. Click on the delete icon to delete the campaign. A prompt will be display to ask for your confirmation to proceed to delete the campaign. Please exercise with cautions as this not a reversible action.