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Campaign - Ads Management

Ads management module is where you manage and upload advertisement content into the Ads library. To access the ads management module click on Campaigns > Ads Management from the navigation. On the ads listing module, you may search for specific ads by using the search field.

The field and its function description is listed below.

Create Ads

To add a new ads, click on the “Create Ads” button and populate the required fields. Fill in the field to complete the process. The field and its function description is listed below.

Ads Approval Step

Same as campaign management, all ads created or edited will require approval if there is more than one administrator within the platform.

* NOTE : In multi-tenant/cloud edition of Kiwire™, superuser can approve other cloud tenant ads , but superuser cannot create and approved its own ads. The design is that the superuser is an approval person not ads creator.

  1. Operator added or edited a new ads media.

  2. Ads media added with status Disabled, at the ads listing an approval icon will appear.

  3. Administrator with approval right will need to click on the approval icon to approve the ads and the ads status will be changed to “enabled”. To add administrator with approval create administrator with “verify” in the roles via Configuration > Role.

Edit/Delete Ads

Click the edit icon on the listing screen to edit the ads. The edit screen be display which you can edit the setting of the ads. Click on the delete icon to delete the ads. A prompt will be display to ask for your confirmation to proceed to delete the ads. Please exercise with cautions as this not a reversible action.

Video Example – Ads Management


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