Cloud - Introduction
For customer that purchased Kiwire enterprise edition, you will have access to Cloud tenant module. The Kiwire Cloud tenant management...
Cloud - Login Records
The cloud login record modules let you view all user login records including those by your cloud tenant. To access the login records...
Cloud - User Device Information
The cloud users device information modules let you view all the information on users device such as device type and device brand for all...
Cloud - Online
The cloud online module, let you list all user who is online within the platform unlike Report > Login > Who is Online which only list...
Cloud - User
The cloud user module will list and let you manage all the users and its associated cloud tenant ID within the system. To access the user...
Cloud - NAS
A NAS is network gateway equipment that control user access to network. Kiwire is an advanced intelligent AAA with captive portal...
Cloud - Admin
Superuser Management The cloud admin module lets you manage superuser access to Kiwire platform, you can add user with full access...
Cloud - Roles
Superuser Role The roles module let you create role and access privileges to modules within Kiwire system. You can create either full...
Cloud - Tenant
Cloud Tenant Overview The main cloud tenant screen provide an overview and listing of all the tenants in your system. To access the...
Cloud - Dashboard
Dashboard – Global The cloud dashboard module provides you a global overview of all the accounts created by the tenant and key important...