Policies - Configuration
This configuration module will configure the overall policy for Kiwire platform. To access the configuration module click on Policies >...
Policies - Zone Restriction
The zone restriction module let you apply zone location login policy to specific user account or profile. This allow you to define where...
Accounts - Advance Profile
The advance profile module will automatically throttle user to a second profile when they reach their assigned profile limit. The profile...
Policies - Introduction
The Kiwire Policy modules let you manage the overall network policy and restrictions, such as wallgarden (whitelist), firewall and many...
Accounts - Persona
Persona module is created to manage personas for the users. To access the persona module click on Accounts > Persona from the navigation....
Accounts - Profile
The profile modules let you manage users account profile. To access the Profile module click on Accounts > Profile from the navigation....
Policies - Device Policy
The device policy module will manage policy and restrictions for an device for Kiwire platform. To access the configuration module click...
Policies - Dynamic Bandwidth
The dynamic bandwidth module is an fair usage policy bandwidth usage bandwidth module. Many ISPs use a Fair User Policy (FUP). This means...
Policies - Radius Attribute
The radius attribute let you assign additional vendor specific radius attribute and attach it to a specific profile. This is useful if...
Policies - DHCP
The DHCPÂ module is used for assigning a static IP from the Mac address when requested. The listing table will list all static IP...
Policies - Wallgarden
The wallgarden or whitelist module let you predefined host or IP to be able to bypass the login page. In effect, the wallegarden directs...
Policies - Firewall
The firewall module manages firewall rules, such as block a user mac address which in effect blocks the user from accessing the network,...