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Kiwire 3.0 Administrator         >        Marketing & Campaigns            >           QR Login

Kiwire 3.0 Administrator - Marketing & Campaigns

Login Engine - QR Login

The QR login integration enables users to login into the network when they scan and authorized the QR code display on their device screen when connected to network. Configure the QR login integration and use login journey to assign the QR login function to the desire Zone. To access the media module click on Login Engine > QR Login from the navigation.

The field and its function description is listed below.

After complete the setup, click on Add Journey in Login Journey page. Select “Redirect to Specific URL” option for Pre-Login Behavior.


The redirect URL link will be “/user/qr_login.php”.

How it Works?

  1. User connects to the network.

  2. QR code will be displayed on the user device screen.

  3. Admin need to scan the QR code that display on the user device screen.

  4. Once scan the QR code, it will redirect to Kiwire platform.

  5. Login into Kiwire platform using admin account.

    * NOTE : If using Kiwire apps, sponsor does not require to login to approved the user, it will be automatic to approval step.


  6. Approve request will be displayed.

  7. Approve the request.

  8. User will connect to the network automatically once request approved by the admin.

Tenant Guiding for Login Engine – QR Login

1. Create add new page on Page Designer by click on Add Page, choose on panel and drag the QR code login template. Then save the name of page, also the page type is QR login.

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2. On module QR login, enable the function and save the setup for setting.

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3. After completing the setup, click on Add Journey in Login Engine, module Journey. Drag the page design of QR Login into above space and enable it to active the journey.

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4. Lastly, click zone mapping, create zone. Enable to active and click update.

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