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To activate the content filtering service on Pfsense devices, follow these instructions:

Register for free at this link: Click here to register.

Log into your router Pfsense and configure Dynamic DNS client in this way:

– Select Custom as Service type.
– Choose WAN as Interface to monitor and to send update from.

  • Username: Type the email/username used for the registration.

  • Password: Digit your password.

  • Update URL: Copy and paste the following instruction:



  • Click on [Diagnostic] and, after that, on [Edit File].Click on [Browse] and, in the list below, open the directory etc. Finally, open the file called crontab and modify it as follows:

  • In the line ending with the string /etc/rc.dyndns.update, edit the first column by entering */5 (the number after */ indicates the time period between every forced synchronization process expressed in minutes). Then edit the second column by inserting *.

This way, synchronization is forced every 5 minutes.

  • After that, click on [Save] to apply the changes.


NB: In order to use the DNS service correctly, the changes so far described are not enough. If you reboot the device, the change in the crontab file will be lost, because the file gets overwritten during rebooting. To overcome this problem, do as follows:

  • Click again on [Browse] and open the file called rc.bootup.

  • Look for the command configure_cron(); and comment it by adding the # symbol at the beginning of the line (as you can see in the image above).

  • Click on [Save] to apply the changes.


Finally, it is also necessary to change the file rc.dyndns.update. To do that, follow the instructions below:

  • Search for the line /* Interface IP address has changed */ and add this command below it: unlink(‘/conf/dyndns_wancustom’checkip’0.cache’);

  • IMPORTANT: in our example the WAN name is wancustom, so you have to type the correct command, based on your WAN interface name.

  • Click on [Save] to apply the changes.


Either manually or through a DHCP server, set the following IP addresses as the primary and secondary DNS respectively on the internal devices inside the network:



You have correctly activated the filter on your Network.


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